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Sacred stories told with sweetness and delight...

Minoan Tarot Reviews & Endorsements:

  • A delightfully detailed, perceptive exploration of the Minoan Tarot by the brilliant & deeply captivating Rose Meyer of Dance of the Soul Tarot. Sumptuously shared in four enchanting videos: The Major Arcana in two sessions, Part One and Two: As well as the Minor Arcana and Court Cards: Part One and Two.

  • An insightful, thoroughly enjoyable Walkthru of Minoan Tarot by popular Tarot reader, collector, author & scholar, Tom Benjamin

  • Ellen has done her research. She clearly knows both the long established archaeology of Ancient Crete, and the latest discoveries and re-interpretations. She uses this knowledge with the confidence of a true artist, giving us pictures taken directly from archaeological sources, yet imbued with a sense of people’s actual lives—not just the lives of the long-ago people of Crete, but what they can mean for our own lives today. This ease and directness comes because Ellen herself has lived these places and images.
    ...Ellen’s ease and knowledge, her love for this long-ago world, make her choices for the individual cards seem completely natural. Her meanings, too, flow from her immersion in Crete’s wonders, giving us messages rather than predictions.

    - Rachel Pollack from the Minoan Tarot Introduction

  • It's no surprise to me that Ellen lived in Greece and engaged with the landscape, its art, its symbolism on such a keen level. [Minoan Tarot] is really touching my heart. I think the booklet has helped turn the key - the interspersing of the history with the imagery, so poetic and lyrical in ways that capture the imagination-making a significant dent in the psyche so one can remember meanings and symbols more vividly. It's especially meaningful for me after writing my thesis in Greece/ Crete on Minoan Ceramics . The Palace of Knossos I visited in Heraklion coming back so vividly the labyrinth, all of it, despite the years some things are always held in the memory bank. I do find this deck healing in and of itself. I like Rachel's foreword, well done, and I see this deck as one that may take off a little slowly, but will be used and treasured and spread across the universe in the times to come, be they easy or hard, this will be a grand companion!
    Ruthanne Martin, of Abracadabra Tarot - author and professional reader for 30+ years

  • Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, creator of several well regarded and loved decks, returns with her latest edition, The Minoan Tarot. Based on known carvings and paintings from the era, the cards are soft and evocative. While relatively little is still known about Minoan religion, Ellen constructs a wonderful tapestry using archeological findings and personal insight to weave a poetically mythic journey through the cards. Not your standard minors with RWS imagery, the suits are repressed by Sea, Earth, Art, and Sky. The simple yet powerful and profound images form a soul fulfilling reading to guide the querent though the paths of life. Difficult cards such as the 10 of Swords, now shown as Sky 10, give the reader advice on how to use the energy of the card to renew life. The sizable booklet that comes with the deck is indispensable to reading the cards. Gentle and loving, the deck allows one to get lost in the energy of the soothing colors and touch that serene place of transformation.
    Nicole Diamond - Tarot Reader and Founder of Second Sunday Tarot (Chicago)

  • A beautiful deck celebrating a fascinating culture; people that lived with the presence of the Goddess in such an immediate and joyful way. I love the mix of human figures, animals and birds in gorgeous Cretan colors. They seem to vibrate and almost dance! I am going to have fun becoming reacquainted with ancient Crete. Wonderful idea for a deck Ellen - stunning art. And Arnell great job once again on an impeccably produced deck and "just right" details.
    Leslie Cochran - of Dreamythology Tarot and many collaborations

  • Thank you dear Ellen and Arnell,
    I´m very excited to have ordered the Minoan Tarot and can´t wait to start using it. You see, I´m originally from Crete-Knossos and I practice Mediterranean shamanism based very much on my roots as Minoan.

    Eirini Delaki

  • Review by writer, Diane Wilkes of the Legendary Tarot Passages

  • Review by Astrology/Tarot author, Elizabeth Hazel, for FacingNorth Magazine

  • Tarot reader, author & astrologer, Janet Berres, of the illustrious World Tarot Congresses

  • Review by Tarot reader & artist Lyn Howarth-Olds

  • Tarot reader, researcher and collector Charlotte Porter

  • Review by celebrated Tarot scholar, author and presenter James Wells

  • Esteemed Tarot reader, teacher & astrologer, Fern Mercier

  • Commentary by Stewart S. Warren, poet and evocateur

  • Review by Tarot reader, teacher & Taiji, - Qigong enthusiast extraordinaire, Tero Hynynen,

  • Review by Tarot reader, Judith for the Hermit by Moonlight Blog

  • Review by Tarot reader, Debbie Lake for the Blog, Tarot Broad's Buzz

Minoan Tarot is copyright protected. Card images may be used on blogs/websites as 'Card of the Day' endeavors or for reviews but must contain the website along with Minoan Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince. The images are not to form part of written teaching materials or otherwise be used without prior consent from the artist.

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