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Dark Goddesses in the Major Arcana:


Dark Goddesses in the Suit of Fire:

3 of Fire 6 of Fire Amazon of Fire

Dark Goddesses in the Suit of Water:

4 of Water 9 of Water Witch of Water

Dark Goddesses in the Suit of Air:

Three of Air  8 of Air Witch of Air

Dark Goddesses in the Suit of Earth:

2 of Earth 4 of Earth Witch of Earth

Dark goddesses are disturbing, fearsome, and beautiful. They can be shunned or overlooked, as they represent aspects of life that people find uncomfortable--sometimes only when those powers are in female hands. Powers of age and death, sex and sovereignty, ferocity and judgment. Of magic, mystery, and transformation. Of suffering and shadow.

The Dark Goddess Tarot invokes these beings, that their stories and wisdom may guide us through the darkness they traverse. This tarot is inspired by and for troubled times. Not to deny pain nor celebrate it, but to look at it with honesty, address it with honor, then bloody well do something about it.

Dark Goddess Tarot is a 78 card tarot deck with a goddess or mythical female figure depicted on each card. The structure is traditional although several cards have been renamed. Among these are Sovereignty (Emperor), Corruption (Devil) and Liberation (Judgment).

The suits are named for the four magical elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Goddesses are selected for the suits based upon an affinity for the element as well as for the meaning of the card.

The titles of the court cards have changed into labels of fearsome, female power: Amazon, Siren, Witch, Hag. The Amazon is fierce and independent, the Siren's power is her sexuality, the Witch is a practitioner of magic, and the Hag walks with death.


The Dark Goddess Tarot's 168-page eBook with Color Images of All 78 Cards is Available on Etsy.

'Fool’s Dog' Offers an App for Dark Goddess Tarot as well.

Dark Goddess Tarot is copyright protected. Card images may be used on blogs/websites as 'Card of the Day' endeavors or for review purposes but must contain the website along with Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince. The images are not to form part of written teaching materials or otherwise be used without prior consent from the artist.

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