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Sadly Tarot of the Crone is Out of Print, But the Playbook, and Companion to the Deck e-Books are Both Available on our Etsy Site.

More on Tarot of the Crone

Reviews, Feedback & Endorsements:

  • Ellen Lorenzi-Prince's Tarot of the Crone is a re-membering of our most primal instincts of who we are and why we are here. This deck is truly unique and bold, plus it speaks to the deepest parts of the psyche. Tarot of the Crone is not for everyone. It is only for those who dare to learn directly from the Ancient Ones, for those who dare to brave a journey through power and nightmare, truth and shadow, fear and transformation to understanding.
    Mary K. Greer - Author of Tarot for Your Self & Women of the Golden Dawn

  • Tarot of the Crone is vivid, exciting, and wholly original. The art and ideas are compelling, sometimes humorous, sometimes deeply emotional, but always fascinating.
    Rachel Pollack - Author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom & Shining Tribe Tarot

  • Having every iteration of Ellen’s Tarot of the Crone (starting with the original) I can say hands down this (2017 Edition) is my favorite version…the printing is superb, the colors bright and crisp and the blacks deep. The size is larger than the previous version which gives the deck a nice chunky feel in my hands and the black borders set off the art nicely. The cardstock is satiny feeling, (Not too glossy) and shuffles beautifully… A truly stunning production of Ellen’s hauntingly beautiful and moving deck.
    Delizt - Tarot Reader

  • Tarot of the Crone is the Tarot equivalent of Clarissa Pinkola Estés's Women Who Run with the Wolves in its celebration and acknowledgment of the ancient feminine in all our lives.
    Sandra A. Thomson - (Ed.D. CTGM)

  • A fantastic, powerful deck! Easily the crown jewel of my collection.
    K. Lorentz

  • Ellen Lorenzi-Prince has plumbed new depths of insight for the emerging wise elder in us all with her Tarot of the Crone. Appropriately fluid and elusive in my hands, the sleek backs of the cards are shiny black, as a bottomless pool of possibilities. These mysteries are shrouded in often featureless figures, demanding that we show up and extend our reach, or sometimes with expressions of certain knowing, perhaps even while in a serpent’s embrace. The wise crone appears as a vessel, with room to vision our own, while the imagery insists that we stretch our comprehension in new ways not in alignment with expectations. This powerful intensity invites and inspires ritual and being transported beyond our imagination. Not a playful deck, but one of ceremony and transition and of Universal Laws. Pulling from Wiccan and indigenous traditions and the ancient mystery schools, new faces of Beast, Witch, Grandmother, and Shadow are representative of the four elements and our power through them, to locate our place in the infinite cosmos.
    Pamela Williams - Tarot reader & author of Hair on Fire, Poems

  • Full Reviews, Unboxings & Walkthroughs:

  • New! July 2021 4th Ed. ToC 'Unboxing' by the mesmerizing host of Candy Soul and Soil (of the UK)

  • ToC 4th Ed. 2021 'Walkthrough' by the wonderful host of Musings by Mascha (in Australia)

  • 2017, 3rd Ed. Review by Juliet Sharman Burke, of 1985 classic, Complete Book of Tarot

  • Review w/ Video by Alison Cross of renowned blog: Tarot of Thrones

  • 2017, 3rd Ed. Review by multi-deck creator, Edmund Zebrowski

  • 2017, 3rd Ed. Review by author, astrologer & reader, Janet Berres

  • 2017, 3rd Ed. ToC Write-up by Tarot artist, Carmen Sorrenti

  • 2017, 3rd Ed. Review by author & reader Diane Wilkes

  • 2017, 3rd Ed. Review by author, reader Bonnie Cehovet

  • 1st Ed. ToC Review on Aeclectic by Writer, Bonnie Cehovet

  • October 2018 - Unboxing by Jen WyllowWynd of the popular YouTube Channel, WyllowWynd The Thrifty Witch

  • December 2017 Unboxing Tarot of the Crone by Kelly of "The Truth in Story"

  • 2017 Unboxing with Adrienne Lea

  • A reading with Tarot of the Crone by Sarah Barry

Tarot of the Crone is copyright protected. Card images may be used on blogs/websites as 'Card of the Day' endeavors or for review purposes but must contain the website along with Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince. The images are not to form part of written teaching materials or otherwise be used without prior consent from the artist.

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